Organizations we attend the International Congress of
Workers in the Mining, Metallurgy and Metal-mechanical Industries Trade Unions
(TUI-Metal), of the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU), express our
solidarity with Mexican people struggling for the defense of their energy
natural resources and against Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex)
In San Sebastian’s meeting, Basque country (Spanish
State), on 19-20 of May of 2008 and having as organization headquarters to the
LAB Trade Union, mining and metallurgy trade unionists of several parts of the
world, we have been informed by the FTE of Mexico about the important struggle
that workers and people of Mexico carry out in defense of energy and water
natural resources, especially, hydrocarbons property of the Mexican
We consider that this struggle has an enormous importance for all
people of the world. The imperialism and their corporations have their energy
geopolitical interest in oil resources of the Middle East and Latin America,
including the existent ones in the sea’s deep waters.
In Mexico,
the energy resources belong to the Mexican nation, rescued heroically by the Oil
Industry Expropriation in 1938 as a result of the Mexican Revolution; now,
current neoliberal government and affine political parties they seek to give
them to multinational corporations.
In the entire world, natural
resources and basic industries privatization experiences have been unfavorable
for workers and people. Energy resources are strategic and they should be good
for the independence of nations, the social development and the
Before the Mexican government's proposals to give to multinational
corporations the natural resources patrimony of the Mexican nation, trade unions
we attend the International Congress in the Mining, Metallurgy and
Metal-mechanical Industries Trade Unions express our solidarity with people of
Mexico. We call to the Mexican government and legislators to respect the
fundamental political decisions expressed in their own Constitution.
privatization of the energy is not necessary neither convenient for our people
struggling for its complete independence, sovereignty and
San Sebastian, Basque Country (Spanish State), May
20th. 2008.
ALEMANIA- Arbeiterbund für den
Wiederaufbau der KPD (IG Mettal-Bremen).
ARGENTINA- Federación
Nacional de Salud y Seguridad Social (FNS-CTA).
BIELORUSIA- Belarusian Trade
Union of Workers of Industry (BTUWI).
BRASIL- Sindicato dos
Metalúrgicos de Itatiba (CGTB), Sindicato de Trabajadores de las
Industrias Metalúrgicas, Mecánicas y de Material Eléctrico
de San Carlos e Ibaté (CGTB), Central Nacional de Trabajadores de Amianto
(CGTB), Sindicato Metalúrgico Caxias do Sul (CTB).
Confederación Intersindical Canaria (CIC).
CHILE- Confederación
Minera de Chile (CUT).
CUBA- Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores
Metalúrgicos (CTC).
CHIPRE- Federación Sindical Mundial
(Región Europa), Cyprus Metal Workers Mechanics & Electricians Trade
Union (SEMMHK-PEO), Revolutionary Trade Unions’ Federation
ESPAÑA- Trabajadores Unidos de Valladolid (TUV),
Confederación Intersindical de Aragón (CIA).
Francesa de la FSM (CGT).
GALICIA- Central Unitaria de Trabajadores (CUT),
Confederación Intersindical Galega (CIG-Metal, CIG-Química y
GUADALOUPE- Union General des Travaileurs de Guadaloupe
GRECIA- Federación Sindical Mundial (Sede Central Atenas),
Panhellenic Metalworkers Federation (PMF), Panergatikos Strangler Militant of
Greece (PAME).
INDIA- Steel Workers Federation of India (CITU), ABB Employees
Union (AITUC).
ITALIA- Federazione Nazionale delle Rappresentanze Sindicali
di Base (CUB), Syndicat Autonome Valdôtain des Travaileurs
MEXICO- Frente de Trabajadores de la Energía (FTE), Sindicato
Mexicano de Electricistas (SME).
NIGERIA- National Union of Air Transport
Employees (NUATE), Air Transport Services Senior Staff Association of Nigeria
PAIS VASCO- Sindicato Nacional LAB.
PERU- Central Nacional de
Industriales del Metal y Electromecánica de Perú
PORTUGAL- Federación de la Industria Eléctrica,
la Química y el Metal (CGTP).
Obrera Metalúrgica (CUT).
SUDAN- Petrotuim Chemical & Mining Trade
Union (PCMTU).
URUGUAY- Unión Nacional de Obreros y Trabajadores del
Transporte (UNOTT), Unión de Trabajadores de Cutcsa (UTC),
VENEZUELA- Comité de Trabajadores Revolucionarios del Sector
Hierro Minero (SINPROTRAFESI-UNT), Central Unitaria de Venezuela (CUTV),
Corriente Clasista de Trabajadores “Cruz
El FTE de México reconoce y agradece a la
Unión Internacional de Trabajadores de la Minería, la Metalurgia e
Industrias Metal-Mecánicas (UIS del Metal), de la Federación
Sindical Mundial (FSM), la solidaridad expresada con los trabajadores y pueblo
de México.
Frente de Trabajadores de la Energía,
de México